Mixed Layer Instability

This notebook implements the eigenvalue problem posed in

Boccaletti, Ferrari, & Fox-Kemper, 2007: Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37, 2228-2250.

This demonstrates the use of the grow_func option to Eigenproblem to specify a custom calculation method for determining the growth rate of a given eigenvalue.

This script also gives an example of using project_mode to compute a 2D visualization of the most unstable eigenmode.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from eigentools import Eigenproblem, CriticalFinder
import dedalus.public as de
from dedalus.extras import plot_tools
# problem parameters
kx = 0.8  # x-wavelength
ky = 0    # y-wavelength
δ = 0.1   # Prandtl ratio f/N
Ri = 2    # Richardson number
L = 1     # Characteristic length scale along front
Hy = 0.05 # Vertical scale
ΔB = 10   # Buoyancy jump at bottom of mixed layer

# discretization parameters
nz = 32
nx = 32 # only necessary for 2D visualization
# Only need the z direction to compute eigenvalues
z = de.Chebyshev('z',nz, interval=[-1,0])
d = de.Domain([z], grid_dtype=np.complex128)

evp = de.EVP(d, ['u','v','w','p','b'],'sigma')

evp.parameters['Ri'] = Ri
evp.parameters['δ'] = δ
evp.parameters['L'] = L
evp.parameters['Hy'] = Hy
evp.parameters['ΔB'] = ΔB
evp.parameters['kx'] = kx
evp.parameters['ky'] = ky
evp.substitutions['dt(A)'] = '1j*sigma*A'
evp.substitutions['dx(A)'] = '1j*kx*A'
evp.substitutions['dy(A)'] = '1j*ky*A'
evp.substitutions['U'] = 'z + L'

evp.add_equation('dt(u) + U*dx(u) + w - v + Ri*dx(p) = 0')
evp.add_equation('dt(v) + U*dx(v)     + u + Ri*dy(p) = 0')
evp.add_equation('Ri*δ**2*(dt(w) + U*dx(w)) - Ri*b  + Ri*dz(p) = 0')
evp.add_equation('dt(b) + U*dx(b) - v/Ri + w = 0')
evp.add_equation('dx(u) + dy(v) + dz(w) = 0')

evp.add_bc('right(w) = 0')
evp.add_bc('left(w + dt(p/ΔB) - Hy*v) = 0')
2021-02-01 17:21:18,102 problems 0/1 INFO :: Solving EVP with homogeneity tolerance of 1.000e-10

Specifying a definition of stability

Because the notion of stability depends on the assumed time dependence and there are several widely used conventions, eigentools allows users to define what “growth” and “frequency” mean in the context of their problem. This is done by passing grow_func and freq_func to Eigenproblem. These functions take a complex number z and return the “growth” and “frequency” corresponding to it.

In this problem the time dependence is given by

\[e^{i \sigma t},\]

so the growth rate is \(-Im(\sigma)\) and the frequency is \(Re(\sigma)\).

g_func = lambda z: -z.imag
f_func = lambda z: z.real
EP = Eigenproblem(evp, grow_func=g_func, freq_func=f_func)
2021-02-01 17:21:18,137 problems 0/1 INFO :: Solving EVP with homogeneity tolerance of 1.000e-10

The EP.growth_rate() method will provide the eigenvalue corresponding to the fastest growing mode, as defined by grow_func. Here, we use sparse=False because this is an ideal problem with many exactly zero eigenvalues, the fastest growing mode is never closest to zero. Thus, we must either provide a guess or use the dense solver.

rate, indx, freq = EP.growth_rate(parameters={'Hy':Hy, 'kx': kx}, sparse=False)
print("fastest growing mode: {} @ freq {}".format(rate, freq))
fastest growing mode: 0.19931003960491872 @ freq -0.33556838187371807

EP.growth_rate also provides indx, which is the index to the most unstable eigenmode. We can then use that to access that eigenmode for visualization.

Plotting eigenmodes

Because the eigenvalue problems solved by Dedalus are one-dimensional, eigentools provides a simple method to visualize all of the modes. In general, these solutions are complex, with the real and imaginary parts of each variable determining their phase relationships. Because eigenmodes are only defined to a relative phase, EP.plot_mode allows the user to specify a variable to normalize against. All variables are multiplied by the complex conjugate of the chosen mode. Here, we have chosen the vertical velocity w. Note that its plot shows no imaginary part.

fig = EP.plot_mode(indx, norm_var='w')

Projection onto higher dimensional domains

However, because this is a 2-D problem with \(e^{i k x}\) dependence in \(x\), we often want to visualize this mode in 2-D also. In order to do so, we define a 2-D domain using Dedalus with the \(x\) direction added. Note that this domain has a grid dtype of np.float64 because once we project against the complex exponential in \(x\), the various fields in the eigenmode become real variables.

# define a 2D domain to plot the eigenmode
x = de.Fourier('x',nx)
d_2d = de.Domain([x,z], grid_dtype=np.float64)

Next we will produce a 2-D plot of the most unstable eigenmode shown in figure 7 from Boccaletti, Ferrari, and Fox-Kemper (2007).

First we must project the eigenmode against the 2-D domain using EP.project_mode. Again we specify the mode index using indx and then specify the transverse mode; here we choose 1 so that we do not need to scale \(L_x\).

fs = EP.project_mode(indx, d_2d, (1,))

EP.project_mode() returns a Dedalus FieldSystem object holding all of the variables in the problem. It can then be accessed using the familiar fs['u']['g'] interface to get the grid space representation of the x-velocity \(u\).

Below, we use Dedalus’s plot_tools to help generate the plots.

nrows = 4
ncols = 1
image = plot_tools.Box(4, 1)
pad = plot_tools.Frame(0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1)
margin = plot_tools.Frame(0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1)
mfig = plot_tools.MultiFigure(nrows, ncols, image, pad, margin, scale)
fig = mfig.figure

for var in ['b','u','v','w','p']:

# b
axes = mfig.add_axes(0,0, [0,0,1,1])
plot_tools.plot_bot_2d(fs['b'], axes=axes)

# u,w
axes = mfig.add_axes(1,0, [0,0,1,1])
data_slices = (slice(None), slice(None))
xx,zz = d_2d.grids()
xx,zz = np.meshgrid(xx,zz)
axes.quiver(xx[::2,::2],zz[::2,::2], fs['u']['g'][::2,::2].T, fs['w']['g'][::2,::2].T,zorder=10)
axes.set_title('u-w vectors')

# v
axes = mfig.add_axes(2,0, [0,0,1,1])
plot_tools.plot_bot_2d(fs['v'], axes=axes)

# eta
axes = mfig.add_axes(3,0, [0,0,1,1])


Writing Dedalus HDF5 files

One might want to use a single eigenmode as an initial condition for an initial value problem. eigentools makes this very simple:

EP.write_global_domain(fs, base_name="mixed_layer_output")
2021-02-01 17:21:22,949 post 0/1 INFO :: Merging files from mixed_layer_output

This will create a directory named with the value of base_name, in which a Dedalus .h5 file is found. This file is equivalent to a merged Dedalus initial value problem snapshot and can be used to start an IVP script. An example of this process can be found in the eigenvalue tests directory

Finding critical parameters

Next, we will look at the stability portrait for these parameters as a function of \(k_x\) and \(H_y\). Eigentools provides CriticalFinder as an interface for doing this. We are only going to use the grid generation function, which runs a number of eigenvalue problems at different parameters.

First, we define a set of points in each dimension, \(k_x\) and \(H_y\) using np.linspace. We then use cf.grid_generator to run an eigenvalue problem at each specified \(k_x, H_y\) point and return its growth rate. This can be run in parallel via MPI; here we’ll do a very coarse grid of just 10 by 10. This takes approximately 1 minute on a single core of a 2020 Core i7.

Because the this is a time consuming process, but plotting the data is fast and may require iteration, cf.save_grid saves the data to an HDF5 file. There is a corresponding cf.load_grid method that will load in such a file.

cf = CriticalFinder(EP, ("kx","Hy"), find_freq=False)
nx = 10
ny = 10
xpoints = np.linspace(0.01, 1.6, nx)
ypoints = np.linspace(-0.05,0.05,ny)

2021-02-01 17:21:23,036 criticalfinder 0/1 INFO :: Solving Local EVP 1/100
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2021-02-01 17:22:29,997 criticalfinder 0/1 INFO :: Solving Local EVP 77/100
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2021-02-01 17:22:47,000 criticalfinder 0/1 INFO :: Solving Local EVP 100/100

Finally, we produce a plot comparable to the left panel of figure 6 in Boccaletti, Ferrari, & Fox-Kemper (2007).

pax,cax = cf.plot_crit()
contours = np.linspace(0,0.2,20,endpoint=False)
pax.contour(cf.parameter_grids[0], cf.parameter_grids[1],cf.evalue_grid.real, levels=contours, colors='k')
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